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Cross country skiing and roller skiing

Join our community of cross country skiing enthusiasts based in and around the Capital and in the Cambridge area.  Find out about the benefits of joining LRNSC and more about this Club

Join and learn to roller ski - it's great for fitness and fun, plus it's the best way to prepare for cross country skiing.  There are sessions for children as well as tasters, courses and general training/practice sessions for adults. We also organise roller ski races. And you can cross country ski with us.  Plus you can discover cross country ski racing.

Scroll down to read our latest news.



New XC ski brochures out now

New brochures are out from the main tour operators so it's time to start planning your next ski holiday

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See the pictures from LRNSC's 1 hour race on 4 July

See the video highlights:

+ See more pictures in the 2009 gallery

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See what happens on an LRNSC rollerski course

Check out the pix from our 10 May rollerski course at Hillingdon Cycle Circuit in the 2009 gallery.

For details of our next courses see the Events section.

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LRNSC wins ski marathon challenge

The 2008-09 SSE inter-club ski marathon challenge was won by LRNSC. The Club triumphed in both Mens and Ladies sections, scoring more points in total than all the other clubs put together!

Well done to everybody who took part and scored points for the Club.  Click for the results.

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Come to the AGM on 6 June 2009

Annual General Meeting


 Basingstoke Canal Visitor Centre, Mytchett Place Road

Mytchett. Surrey GU16 6DD

Not only is this an opportunity to influence the way the club is run but also an afternoon and evening of events for you to take part in while catching up with old ski friends.

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LRNSC 15k / 7.5k Skating Race Report 10 May 2009 Hillingdon Cycle Circuit


The weather was ideal, sunny but not too warm. The ever-present Hillingdon wind was less strong than usual.


Click for results


Good weather conditions and a delegation from the British Nordic Development [BNDS] Squad promised a high standard of racing and so it proved.

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From the BBC - the summer skiing season begins ...

View the report on roller ski-ing from the BBC’s Mike Bushell, then sign up for one of our roller ski courses.


Rollerski Race No1 Hayes 10th May 2009

Part 1 of race video

Click for more video clips of Race No 1 in the Roller ski racing section and for the results.



What happened to Waymark Holidays?

Are you one of the many members who ask what happened to Waymark Holidays? You can find the answer online in 'The Waymark Story'

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Enter the London Rollerski Race Series now

The London rollerski race series starts on 10th May with two race options

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