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Cross country skiing and roller skiing

Join our community of cross country skiing enthusiasts based in and around the Capital and in the Cambridge area.  Find out about the benefits of joining LRNSC and more about this Club

Join and learn to roller ski - it's great for fitness and fun, plus it's the best way to prepare for cross country skiing.  There are sessions for children as well as tasters, courses and general training/practice sessions for adults. We also organise roller ski races. And you can cross country ski with us.  Plus you can discover cross country ski racing.

Scroll down to read our latest news.


Entries in Misc (4)


A new challenge for Club members

Club badges have proved very popular so here's a new challenge.

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Are you truly an LRNSC cross country skier?

LRNSC badgeIdentify yourself as Club member with a London Region Nordic Ski Club badge and promote your Club wherever you ski.  These sew-on badges can be used on ski clothing, ski hats, ski bags etc. 

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New - pay online for courses, race entry & membership

You can now buy roller ski courses, race entry and club membership online via Paypal

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Get free Lucozade sports products for your opinions on sports foods

Before 31 August participate in the short online survey run by GSK Sports Nutrionist Suzanne Leser to receive:

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