Roller ski race 2 results - 6/6 Hillingdon Cycle Circuit
Tuesday, June 8, 2010 at 7:56
lrnsc mary in Race results, Roller ski races, rollerski racing

Congratulations to Andy Honczar for winning the 42k in 1:37:59 and Christopher Richards for the 21k in 53:01 - see the full results of the long and short free technique distances.  Well done to everyone who took part and supported these races.

The next race in the London series is the 1 hour free technique race on Saturday 17 July starting at 2pm and you can enter online now.  The Club's AGM follows the race so come and roller ski, find out more about LRNSC and have your say on the Club's activities.

Article originally appeared on Cross country skiing & roller skiing in & around London, & the Cambridge area (
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