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Cross country skiing and roller skiing

Join our community of cross country skiing enthusiasts based in and around the Capital and in the Cambridge area.  Find out about the benefits of joining LRNSC and more about this Club

Join and learn to roller ski - it's great for fitness and fun, plus it's the best way to prepare for cross country skiing.  There are sessions for children as well as tasters, courses and general training/practice sessions for adults. We also organise roller ski races. And you can cross country ski with us.  Plus you can discover cross country ski racing.

Scroll down to read our latest news.



New events on Club calendar 22-23 August

Join other LRNSC members for an active weekkend of roller skiing on the Cambridge busway and walking in the Chilterns - find out more about these events.  If you can't make the whole weekend, just go for one of the days.


Learn to roller ski - one of The Guardian's 8 weird sports!

'All the cool kids are skiing, says the Guardian in this article.

Learn how how to ski without snow on our autumn course and decide for yourself if it's a weird sport or a great way to improve your fitness, balance and coordination.  Find out more about this roller ski course which  also gives you the benefits of Club membership.


Roller skiing featured in The Telegraph


AGM & barbeque Sunday 12 July

Our AGM will be held on 12 July in the club house at Hillingdon Cycle Circuit, Springfield Road, Hayes, Middlesex UB4 0LP at 4.30pm and all members are invited to attend. Please note that in the spring newsletter the date was incorrectly shown as Saturday 12 July, the correct date is Sunday 12 July 2015.
You can see the agenda by following the link from this page:

The AGM will be preceeded by the 1 hour FT roller ski race and a roller ski practice session, and followed by a barbecue. 

The AGM give all LRNSC members the opportunity to hear about and contribute to how the Club is run and we hope that you will attend on 12 July.


LRNSC race results at the Olympic Park

You can see the full results hereJordan Andrews & Charlie HarriganCongratulations to Jordan Andrews, Charlie Harrigan [both members of the British Nordic Ski Team], Fiona Crossley, Anders Munday and Beth Ireland who won their respective categories. 

You can see pictures from this LRNSC roller ski race.

Thanks to everyone who took part and supported this inaugural roller ski race at the Olympic Park.


Roller ski tasters 19 April & 23 May 

Try cross country skiing without the snow - we're running two 1.5hr roller ski taster sessions for people who want to give the sport a try.  It's great for fitness, balance and coordination, and roller skiing is the closest thing to cross country skiing on snow.  Find out more and book online.


LRNSC organises first roller ski race at the Olympic Park

On Saturday 2 May LRNSC is organising the first 3k free technique roller ski race at the Lee Valley Velopark, part of the world famous Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.

This event is must-attend either as a racer or spectator.  To race you must enter in advance online as there will be no race entry on the day.  Find out more details about the event which is first race of 2015 in the British Roller Ski Series.


What's on the 2015 programme?

You can find out from the overview of our 2015 roller skiing, cross country skiing and other activities - come and join us.  More information will be added about individual events as soon as possible but at the moment we're away skiing!


Richmond Park roller ski tour & ice skating photos

Check out the photos from the Club's torchlight roller ski tour of Richmond Park and ice skating at Somerset House.


Next roller ski courses - 23 November & 7 December

Find our more about our roller ski courses and book your place online now!  Roller skiing is fun, great for fitness and the best preparation for cross country skiing.