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Cross country skiing and roller skiing

Join our community of cross country skiing enthusiasts based in and around the Capital and in the Cambridge area.  Find out about the benefits of joining LRNSC and more about this Club

Join and learn to roller ski - it's great for fitness and fun, plus it's the best way to prepare for cross country skiing.  There are sessions for children as well as tasters, courses and general training/practice sessions for adults. We also organise roller ski races. And you can cross country ski with us.  Plus you can discover cross country ski racing.

Scroll down to read our latest news.


Entries by lrnsc mary (369)


40th Anniversary Challenge results, roll of honour & thanks ...

To celebrate the Club’s 40th anniversary and mark the end of roller skiing events at Hayes for 2021, a prize-giving ceremony and pizza party followed

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Final roller ski time trial & 2021 series results 

On 5th December we ran the last of our six 2021 2 lap Time Trial races at the Hillingdon Circuit. You can see all the results as well as a Personal Best comparison. Well done to Club members Adam Pinney, Anders Soderback and Lucas Evans who skied in all 6 races.

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Just a few places left on the Club cross country ski trip to Ramsau [AT]

From learning to cross country ski to race coaching and participating in the Ramsau Tour de Ski races, this Club trip offers options for all levels of Nordic skier and there are just a few places left. 

Read all about it and grab one of the remaining places now.  Although Austria has gone into lockdown until 13 December we're optimistic that the trip will be able to go ahead.  If you might be interested please let Pauline the organiser know now and we'll keep you updated on the trip status.


Club recommended cross country ski weeks in Norway

If you're looking for cross country skiing weeks in Norway here are two holidays in March 2022 that the we recommend - Dalseter from 5-12/3 and Snowsport England's Nordic skills week at Nordseter from 20-27/3. 

Register your interest as soon as possible, and for the Snowsport England week before the end of November.



Results from our first classic time trial & next event

You can see results from our first classic 2 lap time trial that was held at Sunday's Club session - well done to Szymon Orlowski who again recorded the fastest time. 

Our next Club session is on 7 November and will include a classic time trial that will be run anti-clockwise - will this affect the results or do wind direction and speed have a bigger influence?  These time trials are fun races that give participants a record of their progress [hopefully says the writer!] and practice at racing, much like Parkrun but with an individual start.  Book your place now.


Book your place[s] at the Annual Club dinner - Saturday 27 November

Details of the Club's annual Club dinner at Brasserie Blanc Southbank are now available.  It's a lovely opportunity to relax, enjoy good food, talk skiing and meet other Club members.

Check out the menu and book your place by contacting Gerard Evans as soon as possible for the link to the restaurant's booking system.


Results from 10/10 time trial & details of next race

Photo: J LearyResults from Sunday's 2 lap FT time trial are here.  Nearly 30 people of all ages took part and congratulations go to LRNSC member Szymon Orlowski for the fastest time.  See more photos

The next fun race will be on 24 October over the same distance in classic technique, ideally on Swenor Alutech or slower skis.

Open to everyone - all ages and all abilities [providing you can safely ski the circuit] - LRNSC members, other SE club members and unaffiliated providing you sign up in advance [booking will close at 6pm on Saturday 23/10].


Come cross country skiing with us in Ramsau 8-15/1/22

It’s our first club trip for two years and this one has something for every member!

  • Learn to cross country ski - for beginners who want to learn this fantastic sport;
  • refresh and develop your skills with our coaches - for those who already ski;
  • take part in the Tour de Ramsau, choose all or some of the races [night sprints, classic & skate] with optional tuition to help you tune up your race performance;
  • or just ski and explore the area with other members.

This trip is open to all LRNSC members, and those wishing to join the Club.  There are however a limited number places, so register now!  Find out all about this popular trip and come with us!


Join us for the Cambridge Busway roller ski tour 17/10

Photo: J LearyNext Sunday 17/10 Club members & those of other SE clubs are invited to meet up for a tour along the Cambridge Busway.  You can choose your distance 10, 20 or 40km - we start in St Ives and head towards Cambridge along the smooth tarmac of cycleway.  The bus service is available for wanting to ski a shorter distance.

If you want to make a weekend of it, there's an option for an informal dinner on Saturday evening.  Register for this by midday on Wednesday, or if you just want join us for Sunday register by 8pm Friday so we know who's coming.  See all the roller ski tour details here.


26/9 roller ski race results

Results from yesterday's 2 lap FT time trial are here. Next time trial is on 10th October - register now! Greg Bell reports that Sunday was a pleasantly warm day and although several people had canceled due to petrol shortage, we still had a respectable turnout of 19 racers for our first race at Hillingdon since November 2019! Thanks to Jordan Andrews and the BNDS team for coming down to take part, and well done to them for taking the top 4 placings.

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