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13/2 next Hillingdon roller ski session - new skate workshops

In addition to our individual training/practice session and children's course on 13/2 there will also be two hour skate workshops, one for beginners and the other for intermediates.  They will give you the opportunity to get started with skating or to brush up your skills and get help with any specific issues you might have.  Gerard Evans and Dagmar Junghanns will run the workshops

Please book your place in advance for any of the activities - booking for the skate workshops and children's course will close at 6pm on Friday 11 February, and for the individual/training practice session at the same time on Saturday 12 February.  At least 3 people need to book each workshop for the events to run - if you book and we don't reach this minimum number we will refund your money.

Our aim in 2022 is to run more coached events from April as well as roller ski races - more news coming soon!

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