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LRNSC needs YOU – Committee Vacancies

Are you willing to help in the running and organisation of our Club? Do you have ideas for what ths Club might be doing but currently isn’t? Are you ready to use a modest amount of your time for the benefit of our 250+ members? If so, WE NEED YOU, because we currently have the following vacancies on the LRNSC Committee:


  • Organising and attending key meetings (including Annual General Meeting).
  • Taking and distributing minutes.
  • Liaising with other Committee members to maintain an up to date schedule of activities.
  • Dealing with any correspondence.
  • Attending to SE affiliation and insurance.

Entertainment/Events member

  • Planning and organising events/entertainment which give members opportunities to foster their interest in Nordic skiing, other than snow trips, racing and roller ski events.
  • Organising the annual dinner and post event refreshments/meals.
  • Working with the Newsletter Editor and Website member to ensure timely pre and post event publicity.

Volunteer Coordinator

  • Asking for/finding members prepared to volunteer at club events, especially races.
  • Maintaining a list of volunteers.
  • Arranging attendance of volunteers for each event.

If any of these roles appeal to you, or if you’re hesitating and just want more information before wholeheartedly committing to the role, please contact us or talk to our Chair, Adam Pinney.  You can also see more detail here.

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