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Coronavirus - cancellation of Club activities

Given the Government guidance on Covid-19 we are cancelling all Club acitivities [tasters, courses, children's sessions, races] at Hillingdon Cycle Circuit until further notice.  This is in line with the latest update from Snowsport England.  The committee will be monitoring and reviewing the situation and advise you of any future developments here.

Hillingdon Cycyle Circuit Users Group have confirmed the suspension of bookings for the circuit and clubhouse which means the facilities are closed for all group use.  This takes effect immediately until April 30th when they will review the decision.  Individuals may still use the circuit but should follow the Government's social distancing guidelines which include avoiding non-essential use of public transport, as emphasised on the Transport for London website.

We wish everyone who participates in our activities well - look after yourself, each other and stay safe, and we look forward to roller skiing and skiing with you again in the future. 


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