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Kayaking news & outdoor gear sale!

It's always good to hear what cross country skiers get up to when they're not on snow or rollers, particularly when it's a 'first' like kayaking from Scotland to Norway! 

Patrick Winterton, well known in the Nordic skiing world as a Eurosport commentator and Senior SSE Tutor, has just succeeded in doing this with adventurer Olly Hicks.  They're raising money for charity and you can read more about their crossing, 'kayaks on the Shetland bus'.

Skiers usually enjoy other outdoor pursuits including kayaking so check out this equipment sale.  The gear belonged to the late Pete Linskey, a former Club member, and proceeds go to a Scout training fund in his memory to cover first aid, climbing and kayaking.

The sale includes climbing, water-based and general camping equipment, quite a lot in child sizes but there are other useful general items.  Our Membership Secretary is selling this gear for Abbots Langley Scouts and if you have any questions please contact Pauline using this link.

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