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Want to follow in Pippa Middleton's cross country ski tracks?

If you want to emulate Pippa Middleton's cross country skiing success in the next Vasaloppet the bad news is that the 15,800 start places have already been snapped up!  The 2013 race filled up in a record-breaking 11 days.

But if testing your skiing skills over 90km is your aim, there are still places in the Öppet Spår on 24 and 25 February - same distance, same course, same support plus a stamp in your Worldloppet passport.

You can see the results for all GB registered skiers in the 2012 Vasaloppet here - congratulations to them all.

LRNSC skiers have been participating in a number of cross country ski races this winter, the latest being Bieg Piastow in Poland, here are their results:

10 km CT

Bib     Name                     Time

152.    Roger Fretwell        53:44
195.    Justin Coombs        56:22
31.      Kathi Antolak         57:05
4235.   Nigel Holt              58:51
239     James Rockhill       59:21
40.      Kay Bettis              59:52
282.    Paddy Field          1.01:17
106.    Glennis Dore         1.08:42
455.    Bernard McCarthy  1.13:02
26 km CT
621.    Roger Fretwell           2.26:06
874.    Kay Bettis                 2.41:27
1222    Glennis Dore             3.01:56
1375    Madeline Fallon         3.18:25
1393    Bernard McCarthy      3.20:54
1403    Barbara Sparshott      3.22:17
1404    Neil Sparshott            3.22:20
1409    Nigel Holt                   3.24:29
1530    John Miller                 4.13:17
50 km CT
1175    Justin Coombs             5.17:15
1208.   James Rockhill            5.23:18
1218    Kathi Antolak                5.24:42
1268    Michelle Marshall          5.34:24
1269    Kwasi Debrah               5.34:24
1367    Peter Hodkinson           6.01:03
1377    Tony Millar                   6.04:11
30 km FT
295    Judy Clarke                    2.41:08
323    Julian Starkey                3:00.01
50 km FT
328    Roger Fretwell                3.56:22
Kay Bettis retired at 30 km.
To quote the trip organiser, Paddy Field, "Well done everybody!  Magnificent efforts on hard courses and in slow snow.  A great Club turnout."

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