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Annual General Meeting 2024

London Region Nordic Ski Club (LRNSC)

Sunday 15th September 2024, 14:00-16:00

Preceded by roller skiing, fun relay race and refreshments.

Hillingdon Cycle Circuit, Springfield Road, Hayes, Middlesex, UB4 0LP


1.    Welcome and introductory remarks

2.    Apologies for absence

3.    Approval of 2023 AGM Minutes

4.    Any actions arising from ‘Approval of 2023 AGM Minutes’

5.    Annual reports from committee members

  • Chair (and Newsletter Editor)
  • Treasurer (including the Accounts)/Welfare
  • Coaching
  • Equipment Officer
  • Membership Secretary
  • On-snow Coordinator – Recreational
  • On-snow Coordinator – Racing
  • Website/Publicity

6.    Approval of the Annual Reports and the Accounts

7.    Motion to appoint Auditor/Independent Scrutineer for accounts 1st August 2023 – 31st July 2024

8.    Motions submitted by the Committee and/or Members

  • Suspension of Constitution – Adam Pinney

9.    Election of Officers (to be taken as individual votes unless decided otherwise)


  • Chair/Newsletter editor
  • Vice-chair
  • Treasurer/Welfare
  • Coaching
  • Equipment Officer
  • Membership Secretary
  • On-snow Coordinator – Recreational
  • Website/Publicity
  • On-snow Coordinator – Racing

10.    Call for candidates for vacant Committee positions: Secretary, Roller Ski Racing Coordinator, and Entertainments Officer

11.    Any Other Business