Hillingdon Cycle Circuit - a message from our Chair
Sunday, March 14, 2021 at 16:57
lrnsc mary

As you may know there has been a communication that only cycling events will be able to book Hillingdon Cycle Circuit in future but this is not the final say on the matter.

We have been in discussion with the relevant authorities about our presence there for some months. There was a serious accident between a walker and a cyclist, as well as other incidents on the circuit which you may have heard of. Those in charge are making decisions to try to best serve the community and also run a safe circuit.

Christopher Richards has been heading our campaign and is making good progress to make the points that we are a safe discipline which has involved the local community and is active in the management of the circuit. There are promising signs that these arguments are being listened to.

If members have any specific comments on this matter please email me directly rather than using social media which may prejudice negotiations in this complex matter.

We benefit from and contribute hugely to the circuit and will leave no stone unturned to continue our presence there.

Kwasi Debrah - LRNSC Chair

Article originally appeared on Cross country skiing & roller skiing in & around London, & the Cambridge area (https://londonnordic.org.uk/).
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