40th Anniversary Challenge results, roll of honour & thanks ...
Saturday, December 11, 2021 at 17:27
lrnsc mary

To celebrate the Club’s 40th anniversary and mark the end of roller skiing events at Hayes for 2021, a prize-giving ceremony and pizza party followed the usual course and fun race. 

Although cold, wet weather and the lure of skiing on snow kept numbers low, those that attended enjoyed the event  with pizzas and drinks provided by the Club.

The 40th Anniversary Challenge closed with Club Chair Adam drawing the raffle for a £40 voucher [matching the anniversary] which was won by Glennis Dore. 

The 13 members who took the Challenge and completed the 10 required activities in 2021 now feature on the Roll of Honour on the website and will soon be receiving their certificates of achievement.  You can also see the Challenge gallery to get a flavour of the activities undertaken in the UK and overseas.

Adam thanked various people for their contributions during the past year. These included members of LRNSC's committee for running the club - Anders Soderback for his tireless work with the children’s group at Hayes, to Margaret Chalmers for taking care of catering and the unenviable task of washing race bibs, to Megan Campbell for supplying cakes, to Greg Bell and Gerard Evans for handling the timing of the very successful Fun Races.

Paddy and Hilary Field were also thanked for continuing to host the ‘west of London’ branch of the club near Fleet, and offering refreshments at their house after each Saturday afternoon roller ski event.

We look forward to welcoming as many members as possible to Hayes events in 2022, as well as other events we intend to put on.  Come and join us!


Article originally appeared on Cross country skiing & roller skiing in & around London, & the Cambridge area (https://londonnordic.org.uk/).
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