5/6 Roller ski race results & pictures plus new video from Czech Republic trip
Wednesday, June 8, 2011 at 0:33
lrnsc mary in Race results, Roller ski races

Race winners!Go to our race results page to find the results for the individual time trial and team roller ski sprints, and to the 2011 gallery for pictures from this LRNSC event.

Need more practice before the next LRNSC roller ski race on 16 July which is also a British Championship race?  On Sunday afternoons 19/6 and 3/7 the Club has booked Hillingdon Cycle Circuit for roller ski practice [and nordic walking on 19/6], so come along.

Want to get an glimpse of the Club's trip to the Czech Republic?  See this new video from Kwasi Debrah on You Tube.

Article originally appeared on Cross country skiing & roller skiing in & around London, & the Cambridge area (https://londonnordic.org.uk/).
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